
My First Pie(s) - Apple and Sweet Potato Cup-pies!

I got a food processor for my birthday, so now I can make this pie crust! I had been wanting to make cup-pies for a while (pies in muffin tins, like cupcakes but pies instead), but making pie crust sounded like a lot of work. But I finally decided to make the pies, since it was my coworker's birthday this Friday and I decided to bring these to the office for the occasion.

Since I had to bring the pies in on Friday, I decided to bake them during the week so they wouldn't be stale when I brought them in. So I made the crust on Sunday (the above recipe) and rolled it out and set up the muffin tins with the crust inside it.

On Monday, I made the apple filling (recipe).
I had to cut the apples up small so they'd fit in mini pies.
On Tuesday, I made the sweet potato filling (recipe).
Mixing the ingredients together with the awesome house-connected countertop mixer.
On Wednesday, I assembled and baked the pies.
All of the ingredients out of the fridge.
Filled up the crust! There was a lot of filling left over...

I tried to make the apple pies look like pokeballs because my coworker likes Pokémon. It didn't work too well.
Close up of sweet potato pie. Mmmm!
After putting the tops of the apple pies on, I had a little bit of crust left over, so I made crust cookies. The crust was really yummy!
I was afraid that putting all the ingredients in the fridge and waiting to bake the pies would make them not turn out right. The crust was hard when I took it out of the fridge on Wednesday, but I let it sit for around 20 minutes and it softened up. The pies turned out good, so I don't think spreading out the cooking/assembling time made that much of a difference (although I don't have anything to compare it to yet...).
The cup-pies on Friday. Mmm! I liked the sweet potato one better.
I had a lot of extra filling left over (turns out the ratio of crust to filling in cup-pies is a lot greater than normal pies), so I bought two unbaked crusts at the store and used the rest of the filling on them... going again with my Pokémon theme! These ones looked more like pokeballs because of the multiple colors.
My pokeball pie! One for my coworker, one for Mother's day.

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